Latest From Our Blog

How to Create a Successful Fundraising Campaign

These are 8 important points on how you can create a successful fundraising project, or ...Read More

Ways to Source for Funds

While there are many ways for sourcing funds to carry out projects being it personal ...Read More

How to Raise Money Online

There are a lot of steps to take before or while raising funds online, but ...Read More

Challenges in crowdfunding enterprises

There are various challenges that those who engage crowdfunding especially online are almost sure ...Read More

Managing Fundraisers and Donors on your Crowdfunding Platform

To build and maintain a large network of donors and fundraisers, there are a few ...Read More

Maintaining a Crowdfunding Website

There are a lot of crowdfunding websites without a proper guide on how to ...Read More

Crowdfunding in Nigeria

There is no doubt that Nigeria is Africa's most populous country, and to ...Read More

Free Fundraising Resources

You often wonder how to raise money on Amtelwebfunding, here is an opportunity and avenue to inspire more donations on the platform. Check out our Fundraising ideas Crowdfunding ideas ways to source for the fund and many other guides on the Amtelwebfunding blog page.

On our crowdfunding platform, we have provided a lot of resources such as quick fundraising ideas, free fundraising, team fundraising, school fundraising, fundraising planning, and a comprehensive article on the 22 best fundraising sites, so you will know why AmtelWebFunding is the right choice for you.

AmtelWebFunding provides a preview during campaign or project creation to let you know and see how your project will appear to the general public by the time you are done creating it. This helps you to adjust the project as appropriate as possible to suit the story you are trying to project.

While our fundraising platform is totally free, we always charge N4% plus N1.5%, and USD3.5% respectively for payment gateway fees and processing. Our generous donors often tip us during donation and this is ultimately what keeps our platform going and how we are able to manage, maintain, and provide support effectively.

The social sharing tools provided on our platform with counters can help our fundraisers share their fundraising project, and track progress on the go. Reactions to your fundraising projects in form of a comment by donors can help a fundraiser understand the reaction of the public towards their cause, thereby helping them to make required updates and adjustments in order to inspire more donations.

Now that you know how to raise money online with AmtelWebWunding click to Star a fundraising now

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